It should be clear to anybody with a functioning brain, with principles anchored in individual freedom and unalienable rights, that this action is the natural consequence of the abomination that was, and is the Civil ‘Rights’ Act of 1964. I was very young at the time, but within a few years after that I came to the conclusion that the Civil ’Rights’ Act should never have been passed, and having been passed, should’ve been repealed along time ago.

This action against Sheetz is an abomination. We must all understand that while this is extraordinarily bad at this moment, the certainty is that things will get a whole lot worse going forward unless we radically change course in this country.

If we don’t radically change course, things will not end well for all of us, Of any and every race, creed and color.

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The collapse will suck for many reasons, but it is 1000% necessary at this point. For humanity to thrive, this demonically inverted system has to go. The longer this goes on, the worse things will get, and the more painful the inevitable collapse will be.

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I’m sure the less than whole hearted enthusiasm of staff and customers at the Sheetz store the Zombie in Chief walked through the day before the DoJ dropped the lawsuit is pure coincidence. But in today’s totally incoherent government that is also a distinct possibility. Law like the Civil Rights Act and the Clean Air Act are sold as “for the common good” legislation that ultimately mutates into Marxist Trojan Horse legislation that carries within it the seeds of our destruction. They transform from societal good intentions to legal cudgels to break down the pillars of the Republic, we move away from the rule of law to the rule of lawyers, and the anarcho-tyranny which follows.

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This is why the idea of the right as “pro-law” is simply wrong. If the laws were written by communists then following them does not make you based right wing. J. Burden has the correct idea when he defines the right as respect for natural hierarchy.

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Do you hear that? Clicking? That ratcheting noise?

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agree with all! :(

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