I've come up with a great thing called the Liberia test. I didn't actually post any graphs or do research, I just named it and said some anecdotal stuff.

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How many graphs do you need to see that Liberia is not doing well? Set an explicit standard.

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The standard I'm using is simply your own claims. You say Liberia ranks high in corruption, no graph or link. You say it struggles with instability, no cited numbers or links. You don't even proceed to illustrate what breaks from the US model occured in order to put Liberia on a different path, success wise. Perhaps ultimately you are not trying to do this kind of writing in your column here, and it's more about vibes than substance but providing data and context for your arguments I think is a valid critique.

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So no standard, no substantive measure, just vague complaints with absolutely zero way to satisfy them. If you assert that communism failed you may need 300 pages of citations but that may or may not be a sufficient threshold. Thanks I guess.

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Are you suggesting there is zero way to satisfy a request for a graph or a cited source of measurable data?

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This Representative Constitutional Republic was built for a Biblically religious people. Its leaders must believe they answer to a higher authority than themselves to keep them in check. Men are not angels, and so we need checks and balances to keep one branch of government from becoming too powerful. Without real FAITH we devolve into corruption and chaos. If you have time I would recommend reading both Naomi Wolf (2/12/25) and Dr. Malone's (2/13/25) substacks about their current concerns. https://substack.com/home/post/p-156990336?source=queue ; https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/the-sack-of-rome-elon-musks-digital/comments

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You can take the savage out of the jungle, but you can't take the savage out of the savage.

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This is excellent, as usual. I try to address a similar theme here - https://crusadeblog.substack.com/p/strategies-for-western-survival and hope in a coming post to address why this will ultimately necessitate the revival of ethnic nationalism in the West, in some mainstream form, despite all the difficulties that involves.

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This is a great essay and brings up an essential question and issue, “who exactly are we” as Americans?

I view “conservatives” as people completely devoid of principles or values that they are willing to fight for. They don’t know what it is that they are trying to “conserve“. They are empty vessels. The only this they seem to do is to defend what was the liberal position of 20 or 30 years ago; their only purpose is to resist whatever current “change“ the progressives want at the moment. They are what Marx identified as “reactionaries“

We Americans must reject “conservatism“ and replace with Americanist nationalism. We are at an economic activity zone, we are not the world’s policeman and the only diversity which we acknowledge much less celebrate must be the diversity of the individual. We must put our nation in our people first and foremost. And we need principal leadership that will be unafraid in putting forth the necessary arguments for that position.

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Ilhan Omar brother f**cker?

I’m dead.

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