Talking about American heritage and the attack on that heritage without a single mention of race is an exercise in futility. The enemies of American heritage have made it all about race but civnat normiecons still are fixated on ideas and principles. This is a prime example of why we lose.

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You're right, the thesis is incomplete without mention of how the prior "natural aristocracy" was replaced by a foreign one after the WW2. It isn't just a generational decline - it is a totally new caste.

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Weaker generations always despises what came before

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I think a significant reason why local communities have lost the confidence to organize themselves is simply due to technology. It’s no longer required to cooperate to survive, trade, and engage in leisure. So when it comes time to organize for education, medicine, or politics we don’t have the familiarity/trust that previously would have been gained from helping each other survive storms and raise barns.

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