It's not true that every member, let alone everyone, deserves dignity and respect. This is an outcome of early Liberal (Lockean Liberal) myths about equality in the state of nature. Only those people deserve dignity and respect who are themselves dignified and worthy of respect. Trannies and other narcissistic monsters are neither.

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There is no crisis. The GOP is pro trans, pro LGBT, pro non-Whites, anti White identity, pro diversity/inclusion, pro immigration (legal mass immigration of non-White Third Worlders, something the UK has much experience with), pro strippers with face tattoos. They are anti funny pronouns though, big win there.

This is the GOP identity. The non-offensive party.

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The question should be does McBride have a penis. When a female decides to become trans one of the steps after hormones is surgery. Usually Top and a lot of times Bottom. Expensive, risky, and in a very real sense no going back. Or at least not easily. When a male decides to become trans it's usually hormones and high heels. I suspect that most retain their penis and testicles.. Read recently it's only around 11% undergo surgery. So if they change their mind later and stop the hormones they go back to being male. If McBride has a penis. Male bathroom. If he opts to go the full Monty then the female. But no having it both ways.

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Going the full Monty, as you put it, does not change a man's sex. No matter what parts have been chopped off, he's still a man and doesn't belong in the Women's bathroom, period.

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Republicans are gutless, unprincipled scum.

They must be voted out of office at every opportunity

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Starting Nov 5!

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I’ll say it right here

I don’t care if you will read it I must say it.

Firing people is ENOUGH!

We don’t need to throw the left in jail.

They are only going to get stronger, they are only going to become more emboldened, they are only to going to get tougher if Trump goes down this path.

I should know, A trump who actually imprisons doesn’t make the left afraid, it will excite them. Show his excesses to everyone and them that he is actually a fascist.

The left is falling apart, we don’t need to give it new life.

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