Before, I think that market forces were helping the civil rights problems since an employer needed to hire the best people . Those who didn’t were at an economic disadvantage. The civil rights laws ended that and increased feelings of racism. But then, the left needs that as a source of power.

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Hoppe correctly notes that "what constitutes “wealth” and “well-being” is subjective and that one may prefer fewer material goods and services to more frequent interactions with Protestants, Irish, Indians, or Jews. The subjective preferences of individuals renders the free market insufficient to eliminate private discrimination which is why it had to be done at bayonet point.

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Sounds reasonable, but I think any true totalitarian will manage to find reasons for doing something at bayonet point.

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modern "civil" rights law is a cancer now showing its most negative symptoms, and it is going to get worst until something is done.

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Jan 19Liked by Auron MacIntyre

Government steals from everyone, and forces everyone to use their services. Their discriminatory laws had to go. Unfortunately, the rights of private property owners were unfortunately destroyed along with the horrible policies of government.

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Maybe the next Republican administration could put mentally handicapped people in charge of enforcing the Civil Rights Act....

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This is absolutely correct and spot on. The grossly misnamed “civil rights“ legislation was seen by all Americans who truly understood the nature of our Consitutional Republic form of government to be a monumental evil and the destructive assault on our constitution and our republic. There could absolutely be no way for a thinking American to construe that the “civil rights“ act had any good features in it whatsoever. There is absolutely nothing good to be said about either the “civil rights“ act, or any of the plethora of legislation which followed it, along with all of the criminal actions, like the quotas, and the sides that followed all of these things must be swept aside and swept aside NOW.

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It's not even a question of the signers of the bill "not imagining" the potential misuses of the CRA. In fact they did imagine and did ask and were assured the CRA would "never" be used in the way which, in very short order, it was in fact used.

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I am compelled to share this. I was a Goldwater supporter in 1964, my junior year in H.S; displayed stickers on my books, locker and my shirts.. Approaching the election, my English teacher, an attractive, shapely, early thirties woman, assigned an essay on "any political" topic. I was pretty disturbed at the push to destroy property rights by forcing restaurant owners to serve people they may not want to serve via government mandate; so I wrote an essay titled "The Imprtance of Property Rights". Pretty sure there were no misspellings, no grammatical errors, and thoughts were clearly expressed; for an 11th grader. I typically received"A's" on writing assignments, so like Ralphie in "A Christmas Story" looked forward to having my work praised in class. Couple of days later later, with a stack of essays in her arms she moved up and down the ailes dropping the graded papers on desks, verbally praising and scolding, loudly proclaiming the grade received. She passed by my desk several times without looking at me. ???? I concluded my essay must be so perfect in all areas that she was saving mine for last. Had that part right, she was saving it for last. Now; there is no exaggeration here, this happened. At last she marched to my desk. She stood and stared at me with pure hatred, her cheeks were dark red. She called me Mr. (my last name). Paraphrasing, can't remember precise words; "He thinks you have no rights if you are a different color than him. He thinks only rich people who own property have rights." At that point she ceremoniously wadded my paper up into a tight hard ball, literally did a wind up and fired a major league fastball that hit me right between the eyes as she screamed "EFFFFFF!! . She was accomplishing her purpose of wholly humiliating me in front of my peers. Her verbal summation of my written ideas had been a total lie, I had expressed no idea on race, only the importance of upholding every man's right to do with his property as he wished, and had even added that business owners are free to make bad decisions that could lead to loss of business. At last she commanded me to stand and face the only black kid in the class, a girl, who was in reality, a friend of mine. I was commanded to appologize to her ..... I choked, buckled, and as ordered, said "I am sorry, I appologize". I must have been bright red, I was humiliated and wildly angry at the same time, had no way to vent my anger. I was also upset at what the unjust grade was going to do to my grades as a whole. Next hour was my AV period (serve as an audio/visual technician). The black girl who I'd had to face was part of the squad. Turned out that day we were the only two left with nothing to do for an hour. She was an angel, told me she was sorry for what happened to me, We even talked about freedom and what it really means. Sorry, this article triggered me. During the civil rights era I saw other black kids I'd grown up with (mixed inner city neighborhood), grow to have chips on their shoulders due to the propaganda shoved at them on TV and likely in church. I always understood how it would play out if unchecked ...... and here we are.

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Another good read “You Will Be Made to Care: The War on Faith, Family, and Your Freedom to Believe “

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