The silence around Gonzalo Lira is deafening.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

Funny how they've spent the last two plus years trying to reassure people that folks die suddenly all the time. Didn't you know, it happens to teens and athletes all the time! There's nothing novel or worrying about it. Even going as far as blaming it on Climate Change at one point.

Except under one specific circumstance, then suddenly its very suspicious and likely nefarious that one person 'died suddenly'.

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Aaron at the Blaze lost all credibility. Putin doesn’t care what anyone in the U.S. or the West is doing. Until recently, he adored the West. He cares when Western imperialism knocks at his door and tries to remove him from his office and Balkanize Russia. The threat from the West never really eased up, as anyone with a fundamental knowledge of history knows. Navalny was a Mi6 asset and a traitor to the Russian people. The negotiations for the swap with the Russian operative sitting in a German prison were ongoing when he suddenly died. Interestingly, his wife appeared at the Munich security conference the day prior. Who has to gain from Navalny’s death? Putin and Biden aren't the same coin and have different sides. It's the Left and the Right in America who might differ on fiscal or domestic issues, but they fuel the Empire just the same. 

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Putin is the Orthodox Christian force that rewards strong familes and fights the Woke, WEF, Rothschild, and GMO (illegal in Russia). He is authentic nationalist and multicultural leader. Biden is a Neocon puppet for goy enslavemant and monocultural human factory farm.

Nazi/CIA and Zionist/Israel are two wings of the same genocidal bird.

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Very good read. We have an indoctrination problem in this country.

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Shapiro's initial stance is always to trust & respect OUR institutions. He's as wrong as he was when Covid was active...... That's why I cancelled my once heavily followed mentor......

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"Two sides of the same Coin" Or as we like to say "Two cheeks of the Same Ass"

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Silly take on VVP, Auron. Tsk tsk tsk.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

Excellent commentary. What we must understand about “conservatives” is that there is a clear and vast distinction between a “conservative” and an anti-totalitarian, which is what every free human being should identify as. A “conservative” is someone who essentially has no fixed, core principles that they are willing to defend or fight for. For a “conservative” everything is negotiable in the end. A “conservative” makes the kind of error which this post described. an excellent example of a “conservative“ is Ben Shapiro

Contrast that to an anti-totalitarian, who is a person who is willing to step up and defend their core beliefs, which they know are not negotiable. An anti-totalitarian does not make the error which is described in this post.

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