Feb 1Liked by Auron MacIntyre

Our main export appears to be war. This is an abomination.

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my making being a "American" something that is entirely inclusive, it has loss it's value, no wonder that military recruitment numbers have been decreasing.

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Europe's rise is written in the terms of Christianity & Monarchy, Europe's decay in the terms of Republicanism, Progressivism & Godlessness.

-Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Seems like there might be a lesson here…

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Oh my name is Irving Kristol and my son his name is Bill!

In my youth I followed Trotsky and in truth I follow him still!

Oh we’re marching into Syria the fun has just begun!

Comrade Trotsky would be proud to call himself a NeoCon!

Taken from EMJ

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