The same arguments are used to flood European nations with Islamic “migrants.” They help pay for the welfare system. Immigrants are not mere economic inputs. They are value laden humans capable, in large numbers of displacing long term communities and transforming them.

But the same counter argument applies in Europe as in small town America. Because “we live here.” Just as the people of Springfield built their community, the Dutch, or the French, or the Welch, built their community and have a right to control their own destiny—just like Americans. Why? Because we live here!

Whether in Sweden or small town America—or even big city America, the arguments are the same. Across the West the fight is the same. The rights of local communities against the power of globalist oligarchs.

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The supporters of the resettlement will sometimes go around in a town like Springfield showing terrible things about the native whites, like the fact that these fucking racist whites sometimes don’t wave and they are sometimes not too friendly to the angelic Haitians

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That requires more than grilling

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Zerohedge is notoriously doom mongering, but here is an FBI defector warning people to be ready for a few months of hardship after the election. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/arm-yourself-persecuted-former-fbi-specialist-urges-americans-stock-food-and-prepare

God help these "revitalized" locations once the federal support networks are cut off.

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