Yet the media will tell us to our faces that this is not happening. Shame on them. They know what they are doing. David Muir told millions of people that what Trump was saying wasn't true, and half of those people will take what Muir said as gospel truth. They will not dig any further. Those of us who do can easily see through the lies. How do we win against an enemy that depends on denying reality to achieve victory?

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Questions: How did 20,000 Haitians/illegal immigrants get to Springfield, Ohio? Who provided the transportation? Why did they choose Springfield - a small town of only 60,000 people?

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But aren’t Haitians predominantly Christian? Hmmm. Makes one think that there’s more to it than simply calling oneself a Christian. There must be more to it. Wonder what? Hmmm.

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No, they mostly practice voodoo. The French were never very serious about converting them, unlike other Europeans with their colonial and slave populations.

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How is this okay? Who the Fuck is voting for these democrats?

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The religious woke, petit bourgeois teachers, journalists and other service and knowledge worker occupations, the celebrity-class, and people behind walls of high property values.

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Wait until the communists line them up against the walls.

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