Islam doesn't constitute or participate in the foundation of the USA by any means. Considering my Islamic background, the american left can't comprehend Islam in its own form for it is a pre modern monotheistic religion that is strictly confined within it's holy book, that is the Qur'an. I understand how the dissdent right and Republicans react to my religion, for it came out of the post modern tolerant left. But if we consider that tolerance and deconstruct the sympathy that Islam got from the american left, we can clearly reckon the flawed stance they stand up for. The left sympathize Islam based on the notion of freedom of religion and the opposition to the supposed "right wing bigotry", thus an individual must have the absolute freedom to choose and practice his/her religion without the fear of persecution or social alienation. But Islam is not an individualist religion or an eastern spiritual religion that emphasize on the individual himself. Islam is structured upon a communitarian way of life that bounds all the followers into a society that adheres the message with the responsibility to comply for what is commanded, and the founded political unity is governed by the Sharia Law. As for the Right that perceive with contempt,a unitary vision that equates all the adversaries of Christianity, coming out from the left(Communism, Socialism, SJW, Atheism, Islam, LGBTQ+), same goes for the Muslims in the East, where the Protestant and the Catholic stands for the same identity, that is the Western Christian colonialist, and in a Schmitterian way, the enemy. Giving time for the other, contemplating the possibility to compromise between differences, is an immeasurable fortune, and a guaranteed promise to sabotage and obtain political power.

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I have to say I find this fixation on Islam to be a bit 2016-ish. I think we overestimated Islam as a threat and underestimated LGBT as a threat. Us conservatives probably have more in common with the values of the typical Muslim than we do with the average university lecturer.

Morocco was the first country to recognize the United States... so there's that. Also, America has always been a nation of immigrants, unlike Europe.

Agree with you that demonizing the founders and saying America was built on slavery and racism is corrosive to the moral fabric of the nation however.

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As so many brilliant critical scholars have proven, Logic and Empiricism are white supremacist constructs. (See, e.g., https://www.newsweek.com/smithsonian-race-guidelines-rational-thinking-hard-work-are-white-values-1518333.) And as Ibram X Kendi has proven, everything is either racist or antiracist. (See, Antiracist Baby.) Since Logic and Empricism are per se racist, to be antiracist, we must embrace illogic and make believe. Therefore, being antiracist demands that we invent new facts about American history, like that Islam was an integral element in America's founding, that slavery was invented by white Christian Americans and ended by Blacks and Muslims, that everything good and valuable in America was produced by Black slaves and their descendents, that all white people benefited from slavery and therefore owe everything they have to Black people, etc. The more illogical and ahistorical these facts are the better. Auron MacIntyre, if you cared about being a good person, you would know this already.

Do the work, Auron MacIntyre! Robin DeAngelo will hear your confession and give you absolution for the right price, which you can think of as a form of reparations for being an oppressor and colonizer by virtue of your whiteness.

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Throughout its 1400+ year history, Islam has been and continues to be a serial murderer of entire peoples and cultures.

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Powerful, well-written, and more-than-ever-before, necessary information.

And as important as are these facts, they are only the tip of the iceberg as

to the entire story of Islam and America; slavery and America.

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And let's not forget the Spanish. They were even more genocidal...to the point of interrmarrying with the indigenous. Curiously the French don't suffer the same criticism....for now. It's an affront these lies are just challenged but mocked via memes

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023

The TRUTH always matters, Auron…which I think you already believe. If your company tells you must cow-tow to this lie about Islam, they are already accepting Dhimmitude. There is a reason the largest mosque in the western hemisphere was built just outside of the DC metro area…there is a reason the Abrahamic Family House has been built in Abu Dhabi. There is a reason the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made peace with Iran via Chinese negotiations.

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