Mar 16, 2023Liked by Auron MacIntyre

There’s a typo at the end, radial for radical. Great article in any case.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Auron MacIntyre

There is much evil in this world. Do not be afraid to expose it.

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When I use the word ‘demonic’ I mean it quite seriously. This is spiritual sickness and absolute moral rot. It would be better for those who promote it, pay for it and execute it to have never been born or to have had a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. (biblical paraphase)

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The movement should be to ban all teachers or school officials from talking about sex to children, period. I love and trust my own sister more than anyone in the world. And if I found out she was talking to my kids about sex without me around, I would find it creepy as hell. Why do we tolerate this in our schools from virtual strangers?

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Word of advice: remove the word "should" from your political lexicon. There's many things that "should" be done or "shouldn't" be done these days. Wishing it so doesn't change it.

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This is largely an issue of fatherlessness. How many stories do we see of parents trying to stop their kids being transitioned? It's always the father opposing it. How many stories do we see of kids being taken to drag shows or forced to change gender? It's always single mothers. Women have largely gone insane, and without fatherly guidance, are turning on their own children for social media validation.

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deletedMar 16, 2023Liked by Auron MacIntyre
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The struggle of being trans will surely alleviate his opponents when they're in ICU nursing a fractured skull. So brave!

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