We bought the Obama schtick; nothing to say we won't buy her’s as well. Never underestimate …

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"How do you sell a DEI candidate with the charisma of a wooden block who is functionally the incumbent? The answer is that you lie. A lot."

So what, if it works?

"The media facilitated a strategy in 2020 in which Joe Biden could essentially run his campaign from his basement to hide his deficiencies. A similar game plan seems to be in place for Harris in 2024."

It worked in 2020, just as Obama won in 2008 by making vague feel-good statements that let voter project whatever they wanted to on him. At least some indications are that it will work again in 2024.

"When it comes to policy, Harris is a blank slate. Like Biden, the vice president is mostly a proxy for the prevailing elite opinion, with no real prerogatives of her own."

Yes, so what does anyone propose to do about it? Crying "no fair" isn't going to stop them.

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Which ostensible conservatives have “fallen for the propaganda blitz?” I know that I haven’t. I know the way the establishment media operates.

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Correct. The Cackler is often drunk and always stupid. She clearly cannot connect two unscripted sentences together in a coherent fashion if her life depended on it.. As a result she is being offered up as some sort of a social network/reality show/party-time phenomenon.

We are clearly in the final stages of our decline. After suffering for nearly 4 years under a demented, senile sock puppet, we are now asked to elevate a drunken, imbecilic empty vessel into the Oval Office.

If they succeed in putting the Cackler into the White House, America is finished. There’ll be no way to recover after four more years of this shit.

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