
"I have four children, two boys and two girls."

"I have four children, all are transgender."

What is the difference between those two statements. You say one is "...adopting the behaviors endorsed by the dominant moral system of the day."

The real difference need not be so complicated. The first is a statement of fact. The second is simply a lie. Leftists lie a lot, for a lot of reasons. The transgender lie serves a lot of purposes. It is used by the left to get political power. If we want to oppose the left, maybe we keep it simple as this: The left's claims are lies. What do we do about that?

(Nice to see your work here. I miss watching your videos on Rumble.)

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First time I think I’ve properly disagreed with Auron MacIntyre that I remember at least.

Of course, there is always virtue signalling and imposed belief of some description. However, I reject that it’s a binary choice between Christianity and Wokeism. His point about how the language of ‘mental illness’ should be replaced with appeals to religion to me is highly misplaced. Associating opposition to Wokeism with superstition made it toxic.

I guess the big difference between me and IDW types is that I believe in authoritarian methods to keep Wokeism at bay. Auron’s maxim ‘the side that wants to win will always beat the side that wants to be left alone’ is definitely true in a representative democracy, but it’s less true in a dictatorship.

Abdel Fatteh-El Sisi is an example of a ‘moderate Caesar’ who rescued Egypt from religious fanatics in defence of the ‘moderate majority.’

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Gnostics aren’t new, neither are Castration Cults.

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Yes, the right will continue to lose the culture war as long as they refuse to see this. Classical liberalism was too weak culturally, it socially tolerated things it shouldn’t have and allowed another ideology to take over. I don’t think we should go back to state enforced religion. I think we need to evolve into our next societal form, where the criminal justice system, the economic system, and the social system is strictly separated. They’ve played a trick where they Seller’s red church from state and then the secular ideology could take over and enforce itself upon everyone using the state. We need communities that are culturally homogeneous within and district from each other.

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The “not ‘whether’, but ‘which?’” dichotomy remains undefeated.

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Exactly. It's a religion. It's pagan. You have to fight it as one - either convert the neo-pagans or punish them. Which means rejecting liberalism and embracing authoritarianism just as they are.

If your philosophical priors have no way to keep your way of life, then your way of life has no foundation. This has been true since the Enlightenment has been embraced and we need to reject it in the West.

They are creating child soldiers. They're ecstatic about it. They sing songs and dance about it. They want to do it to our children.

So what are we going to do?

The first step is waking up.


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I agree that humans are indelibly religious and also conscious of status, but I would add that there are two kinds of religious paradigms, or 'visions' as Thomas Sowell put it. The first paradigm is based on the recognition that people are flawed, and acting morally is a constant struggle, doomed to persistent failure. The second paradigm, the one that the woke adhere to, is based on a division between the anointed and the benighted, with the belief that once one is among the anointed, one cannot be wrong, while the benighted can never do right. This vision also plays out in politics in the basic visions of left and right, and probably explains why the left is so comfortable with Islam.

While the woke don't struggle with their consciences, they do struggle with their status, as intrinsic righteousness must necessarily be overtly displayed so as to be acknowledged by their peers, or it doesn't exist. This is where the extreme virtue signaling comes in, and the arms race to be 'holier than thou.' It also explains why they can do the most evil acts with clear consciences. By contrast, people who adhere to the first paradigm see it as presumptuous and arrogant to attempt to browbeat others with their righteousness, and are horrified at using the tactics routinely used by the left.

It is not clear how to fight the anointed, but a first step is to recognize what drives them.

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