Fox Mainstream take.

This goes beyond the right vs left paradigm. A lot of "dissdent" and normie right wing types I know are either sympathetic or pretty much shrugging and voicing that they are surprised that something like this took this long. We shouldn't be surprised that something like this happened. That CEO and his ilk are some of the lowest forms of life without a shred of decency. If we had an actual legitimate government in place that would punish bad actors no matter how high one is on the financial food chain, (goes beyond just insurance) we wouldn't see people indifferent or cheer for this. Just normal people fed up with the abuse.

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Tyrannicide is a common theme in European history and myth.

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I'm with Luigi.

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Luigi is badass. Mario has some catching up to do.

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Though, among elites, Leftist & theory-ceiling opiners—to be expected… chaos loves complexity & company? :)

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Whether or not if the Healthcare crisis in America improves from this incident will depend on the very progressives who created it. I do not support violence to settle the matter but I am openly frustrated with Health Insurance as a whole.But no one is going back to one of the root causes...and that is Obama and the fictitious Affordable Care Act...Remember Jonathan Gruber? MIT mastermind who called out Americans for being stupid? The entire program was a sham and I person ally have suffered...not just by the insidious rejections but by the lack of "affordability" from the ACA. My premiums have tripled since 2010 for a family of 4 healthy adults (kids were 7 and 5 at time of passing)...This is not new...The Insurance Lobby is the biggest Lobby group in Washington...Our Congress has sucked for the past 24 years and then they tried to sneak in the CR bill that they do not have to take Obamacare for their personal healthcare?? Think back to 1997 and watch the movie The Rainmaker with Matt Damon and Danny DeVito...same story...different year....Rejections until the "Customer" gives up...No one has been able highlight the profits made by United Healthcare...

UnitedHealth Group net income for the quarter ending September 30, 2024 was $6.055B, a 3.66% increase year-over-year.

UnitedHealth Group net income for the twelve months ending September 30, 2024 was $14.317B, a 33.98% decline year-over-year.

UnitedHealth Group annual net income for 2023 was $22.381B, a 11.24% increase from 2022.

UnitedHealth Group annual net income for 2022 was $20.12B, a 16.4% increase from 2021.

UnitedHealth Group annual net income for 2021 was $17.285B, a 12.22% increase from 2020.

And to Thanks Obama he was provided a $15 million Dollar estate on Nantucket...

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