Congrats comrade! Well deserved.

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From that title I was expecting a doompost. Well played

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I enjoyed it. Thanks Auron MacIntyre. You were a large part of influencing my political thought, and exposing me to Dissident Right ideas.

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Congratulations, man! Well deserved. I finished it last night, a concise statement of purpose.

Can't wait for the audiobook version -- I'll buy it again when it's ready.

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Just remember us when you are Commisar...

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Congratulations Auron!

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Need Audio-Book!

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Congratulations on the release of the book. Its great to see you being rewarded for your hard work. I have purchased my copy and I'm looking forward to reading it.

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Well, congratulations, Sir ! I'm still waiting for my copy - French-speaking Belgium is quite far away, though :-) -, but when I have finished reading it, I'll try to have my review printed in a couple of French "dissident-friendly" publications. Being read around here would be well-deserved.

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Congrats Auron! Glad to have both versions and will probably pick up the audiobook when it's out too. My daughter was born April 1st, so I'll have to wait until next year's OGC conference to get my copy signed.

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We are with you.

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This is indeed great news. I watched it on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and it’s a wonderful production. That’s very well done. Thank you for helping to get the word out which is something all of us must do in our own way or ways to the extent that we can because everything, and I mean everything that we cherish as free and truly liberal human beings is at stake. And for the record, I do see myself as a liberal as I do pretty much everyone else who agrees with our worldview. The other side, self-identified as ‘progressives’ are full-bore totalitarian.

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I just finished, I enjoyed it, it was well written.

A critique I would put forward is more just an identification of an area of your reasoning that I think needs clarification. On one hand, you assert (in my view correctly) that the centralization of power through bureaucracy and control of social institutions enables total control. But then later, you criticize the conservative solution of calling a constitutional convention under Article V, arguing that merely amending the Constitution won't resolve the trajectory towards a total state.

But later, you say that "consolidating local power that is capable of resisting the authority of the total state is essential." This is a bit contradictory because conservatives advocating for a constitutional convention aim to restore local political power by inhibiting the interstate commerce clause and implementing other measures to decentralize authority. Such amendments could dismantle the very centralization you criticize and empower local and state governments. This would align with the author's later argument that local actions—such as electing school board members and consolidating regional power—are essential to resist centralized authority. And most importantly, it could restore the nation's economic decentralization (which wasn't mostly done away with until the 1990s, and one of its biggest pieces was mostly fully there until the late 1970s!), which allows for real power at local levels, which is likely necessary for local control over social institutions.

There seems to be a contradiction there; could you please clarify?

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Congratulations on the success of the book. We've already had a couple of great Twitter book club Spaces to discuss in depth the concepts of Total State. Encouraging to see more folks receptive to the ideas presented in TS.

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Going to get this soon, saw good recommendations on Twitter. Christ be with you Auron.

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Hi friends, I'm starting a book club on a reading app my friends I developed to save our favorite reading quote and add our personal annotations. Use this link to download the app and join the book club and join the discussion: https://commonplaceapp.com/group/425c3fc5-4902-4762-b190-1e088f75e6f1

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