Oct 11, 2023Liked by Auron MacIntyre

Succinct and on point as usual. And couldn’t agree more!

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Auron MacIntyre

Perfectly stated. The one thing that I would add to this is the reality that within every utopian, there is a mass murderer struggling to get out. Unfortunately for humanity far too often the mass murderer lurking inside a utopian does in fact get out. The consequences are uniformly horrific.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Auron MacIntyre

On point. They want to tear down what exists (societal norms, religion, sexual ethics and traditional families) so that ‘we’ can rebuild the ‘utopia'… as seen through the lens of their grievances (jealousy, coveting and murderous anger) and mental health issues. They eventually destroy themselves after they’ve gone through their perceived enemies... or the ‘state’ eliminates them when they are no longer needed.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Liked by Auron MacIntyre

Very well stated.

I don't find they are shocked by these things so much as they don't register them, particularly as they have no memory and so do not perceive changes in these things. They also really do perceive the world in a very schmittian way, any information that would support their enemies is just discarded.

Crime goes up 10 fold becomes there has always been crime becomes everything is fine, except for those wreckers ofcourse.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Auron MacIntyre

Stalin had the only solution for an unworkable system, GULOG, slave labor and death threats, and in general, terror! This the closest to utopia we’re going to get. How ironic, indeed!

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I KNOW its not what people want to hear, but what other framework can we challenge liberalism with other than that it is satanic? The Pride, deification of humanity, and worship of self that liberalism necessitates cannot be overcome by mere political Solutions

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"Left" or "right" tars a group rather than the individual in question and, thus, stops short of the cause and subsequent cure. If you watch the gruesome video you will see a mistaken person approach a danger as if it can be reasoned with (on the assumption that he has the self-anointed expertise and arrogant understanding of the world and his assailant) rather than leave and live. His last words "I'm with you man." is where those who make policy want us to be.

and are an example of where we have been taken. The post-WWII Frankfurt School book The Authoritarian Personality describes the plan to destroy the family claiming it to be a Fascist Hitler-type producer (with an absurd "F" [fascist] scale) , and they say in the last paragraph of Chapter 23 that they will do it with "propaganda" and "Eros" (pornography). Liberal to them means eliminating rules and allowing anything contrary to heritage American culture. Mr. Carson's mind is where they would like to take all of us where we have been neutered and have no balls and can be satisfied with fantasy at the expense of reality and common sense. And not just men. The girl friend's actions at the murder of Mr. Carson are just more of the same. This is the bankrupt world blob being created without the family, ethnicities and their culture. Even the assailant is a product of the propaganda and breakdown of logic and thinking lost to pornography and propaganda of being a victim. (He is a victim but not of racism and general hate but, rather, of those who promote victimhood and sell it with their "propaganda". The Frankfurt School and its prescriptions live on 70 years later and explain where we as America and Mr. Carson as the individual are at. The heritage American European family and culture must go because it is in the way of being "liberal" and allowing everything as in "anything goes". But, don't worry. We will still have entertaining video games and porn in our Brave New World.

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Bailing me out? I see that you aren’t done assuming you know me, and remain not even even slightly interested in getting to know me. Whatever you need me to be, my friend, to maintain this narrative of yours. Be well.

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Spot on and very well said.

Some people are like a pirate born 200 years too late. H/t JB

Some people are absolutely made for the time they live in. I think the latter describes you Auron.

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It’s hard to even want to engage in a dialogue with someone who is so certain they KNOW everything about a stranger. The sad part is that that dialogue is exactly what we need right now. You spend an entire essay writing from the perspective of a knowledge of me and what I believe and why l value the things I value but you don’t actually know anything about me nor does it appear you’re interested I finding out the reality of me. I suspect that’s because the reality of me doesn’t jibe with the depictions you have crafted in this substack. The reality of me would require introspection and nuance and possibly compassion, and those things aren’t very exciting. Much better and EASIER to paint those who don’t hold your views as the OTHER. The colorful descriptions you lay out in these paragraphs will definitely stick on the OTHER quite well. You paint me with that brush in a manner that makes it clear that I’m to serve a purpose and that purpose is to be the source of everything that’s wrong with the world...to my own peril. Wow.

You don’t want us to come back together. These aren’t the words of someone who wants to unite a fractured nation. Why would anyone want to unite and find middle ground with the inferior beings you describe here?

You don’t know me and you don’t want to know me because the fact that I couldn’t be further from how you describe me in your writings makes my reality very inconvenient for your narrative. So the question becomes what is more important to you? My reality or your narrative?

If you already know everything then you can learn nothing. And when we stop learning, we stop growing and we’re truly lost.

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You turned an essay about particular aspects of a political ideology (e.g. Utopian thinking that creates poor policy and great harm often to the very people pushing it) into a personal grievance. You did not challenge the logic or the concept, but railed against the essay as some personal attack. Strange response.

And preaching about coming back together is sort of rich coming from a left that has all the institutional power and has done nothing but attack the very people you are busy clutching pearls about. I think tone deaf is an understatement and you have proven the validity of the essay more than you seem to realize. So cheers for that.

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Fascinating how gifted everyone around here is at attacking me instead of considering my point. its much easier to dismiss me that way, just like you have dismissed everyone who doesn’t share your political views in this essay. You’re not interested in unifying. You’re interested in superiority.

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Give it a rest. We aren’t bailing you out.

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