May 24Liked by Auron MacIntyre

Great insight. Identity, deeply rooted in the culture and institutions of society is the only antidote to the corrosive solvent of relativism, radical skepticism, and the unlimited hubris that leads us to think we are Gods.

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Sounds very similar to Sir Roger Scruton’s arguments in Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition

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Very accurate and well written, as usual. The point is well taken, and it would do for all of us on “the right“ to take heed of this.

For starters we definitely need to define what it is that we are “all about“, those of us who identify as being “on the right“.

I suggest that we also need to critically scrutinize the label “conservative“ because in my lifetime, certainly, I have not been able to deduce what it is a “conservative“ is attempting to conserve because invariably they seem to have no immutable principles, values or virtues that they seem willing to stand up and fight for and not compromise. Unfortunately, far too often it’s been my experience that whatever a “conservative“ is staking out a stand right now is trying to hold the line or protect a position that would’ve been viewed 30 or 40 years earlier as being a “progressive” or a left-wing idea. We need to change that. We need to identify, adopt and defend positions, values, beliefs, and virtues that we will not compromise on. Until we do that, we will continue losing to the leftist, the globalist/Marxists.

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Control media, control minds. Who controls media? Discuss.

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The only "True Identity" is ancestral and everything that flows from it such as history and culture.

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