That is correct, past presidents essentially going back to maybe even JFK simply refused to do anything to protect America against what can only be described as an invasion and occupation. And in this, I definitely include the “conservative“ icon of Ronnie Reagan. It must be noted that Ronnie gave us the 2.5 million person amnesty back in 1986, with millions more of family members who followed on over the next 20 or so years,which was the Reagan – Kennedy amnesty. Let us never forget his role in the destruction of our country.

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Yes. The american left excoriates administrations who essentially continued their own policies at a moderately lower velocity.

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It's worth noting that for Reagan at least, that had to do with the Cold War. Many of those people were perceived rightly or wrongly as defectors from Communist regimes who would be staunchly pro-american.

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That might apply to some of the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people from Central America, that Ronnie and his people let into the country as part ofIran-Contra and the Sandinista thing, but I don’t see that applying to the amnesty which was directly aimed at the massive number of migrants who came up over the decades and we’re working and living in the US.

But even in terms of the Sandinista thing, and Iran-Contra, the people making those decisions, if that was their motivation, they had to be total idiots, because even I knew better than that at the time, and there’s no one in the world more anti-communist than me. No one. And I won’t let any of them in, much less stay.

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Lol, look at this half measures accepting, Hopium Smoking Swarthoid. LMAO even.

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From critic to apologist. Will be interesting watching your arc.

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