The Right denies global warming: this is great for winning rural votes and energy states. It utterly loses in California and highly educated areas not dependent on the energy industry.

This is why I have written a 10 part series on why we need Green RINOs to give the Left competition in those areas written off by the Republican Party. It is double plus easy to come up with a Reactionary agenda that is Greener than Team D's Green New Deal. Convincing PBS viewers that global warming is a hoax is darn near impossible.

As for whether global warming is an imminent threat? I don't rightly know. I don't really care since I can use the issue just as well as the conformunists can. For example: DEI and safe nuclear power don't mix. And cities with beggars and muggers are not bike friendly, no matter now many bike paths you build.

Be Machiavellian. USE the global warming issue. (If you want to be Principled, just say you are accepting the will of the voters and being Precautionary.)

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

This is a spiritual battle. The enemy hates God and hates those made in His image. Most Republicans give lip service to the idea that all lives deserve respect and have inherent value, our duty is to protect those who are most vulnerable. Our society teaches a doctrine of demons regarding 'abortion empowering women’; killing your own child is NOT something to be put on a pedestal. How spiritually sick must one be to actually rejoice in this and hold it up as a moral good??

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"...conservatives have engaged in politics as if it were professional football..."

Yes, in many ways football is a perfect analogy for why the right is losing the game of politics.

"What If Left-Right Politics Was American Football?"


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