GAB is also stocked FULL of people whose task it is to push and prod people to react, preferably in violent ways. Always assume that EVERY platform is both and opportunity and a tool. The IC plays both ends of the field.

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Over the years I saw a common message, as if they copy/pasted it out of a manual.

It was something like "there's no point in resisting what's coming, you all are just making yourselves a target, best to lay low and hope you make it to the other side" and then they leave a red rose emoji at the end of it.

I've seen that exact message on Twitter and Gab multiple times for about 5 years now, a few times on /pol. Demoralization attempt.

The last time on Gab I saw it, the guy had a unique username, I searched it and I found one of his real accounts, it was a guy with the last name Epstein living in New Jersey, mid 30's.

Tons of JIDF, Antifa, NAFO, and US fed ops on pretty much all social media sites. Prod to to reaction, and demoralize (both are now what 90% of all /pol posts are now, site is unusable).

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Social media is a cesspool. Media repeats talking points. The entire point is chaos and confusion, in that aspect they (foreign and domestic players) have succeeded. I keep myself grounded by reading scripture and just getting on with my life, remembering God is Sovereign...

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Dead internet theory isn't a theory.

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Such an absurd narrative. Even if the shrapnel theory was true, what difference does it make? If you are an Army officer writing up a citation for a Purple Heart you don't bother stating, "servicemember was struck by shrapnel caused by enemy direct fire not the enemy bullet itself." That's stupid. "Sniper shot at Trump; Trump was wounded by projectile caused by sniper fire." QED. Why bother trying to parse that?

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I didn’t get the impression Wray was trying to impugn or question Trump’s heroism. I gather law enforcement investigators are keen on establishing matters of fact for the sake of a full and complete account.

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If that were true, Wray would have stated plainly that the Russian government did not interfere in the 2016 or 2020 Presidential elections and referred everyone on the Mueller team for prosecution for perjury.

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Yuck, the cookie policies on Blaze are gross. No thanks.

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"If you lie to Congress under oath, you go to jail."

Well, that depends on which team you're on.

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In my view the issue with "'conspiracy theories" can be objectively resolved : Is there a wound on the candidate's ear? No one has seen a wound. End of story in my book. That is not a political view - that is a physical reality view.


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If something seems like it's made for TV it probably was. The "Trump assassination" is the most laughably fake thing I've ever seen. Who benefits? It sort of rhymes with carousel.

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“Progressives and their allies in law enforcement want to paint Crooks as a disgruntled right-winger angry with an insufficiently radical Trump . . .”

Citation needed.

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This isn't the substack for you source guy.

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When I hear something that seems off-the-mark I'm interested in learning why someone would say it. Maybe I'll learn something. I don't think it's too much to ask. But if you would rather me not play in your sandbox, I suppose I'll go away.

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Useful, I had not heard this about Gab.

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I think it is more probable that it is the Democratic Party which serves the interests of the FBI, rather than the other way around.

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